Friday, December 19, 2014

Sugar Cookies with Cocoa and Walnuts Filling

These are my favorite cookies in the world! It is my mother's recipe. Everyone loves this recipe! The cookies just melt in your mouth!

Ingredients for the dough:
3 cups flour
2 sticks (2 cups) butter
1 egg
1/4 cup warm milk
1 cup sugar
1 tsp yeast
powder sugar

Ingredients for the filling:
1 cup walnuts (for the filling)
1/4 cocoa (for the filling)
1 egg
1/4 cup sugar

 Preparation of the dough:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
2. Add the yeast to the warm milk.
3. Melt the butter in a sauce pan on low heat.
4. Add the sugar and the egg to the milk and beat well until sugar is dissolved.
5. Stir in gently the melted butter.
6. Add the wet ingredients to the flour and form into a soft dough.
7. Cover the dough in plastic foil and chill in the fridge for one hour

Preparation of the filling:
1. In a blender, chop the nuts.
2. Add the cocoa, the sugar and the egg and mix well into a thick paste.

Getting the cookies ready for the oven:
Roll the dough 1/8 inch thick. Cut into 2 inches squares. Add a teaspoon of the filling in the center of each square and wrap the corners of the square around each other. It will turn into a nice rose.

Bake the roses at 350 F into a pre-heated oven for 25 min., until golden brown. Sprinkle with powder sugar and chill on a rack.